What's Your Story?

Let's SHAPE IT together!

Powerful expert guidance to draw your story from your head to the page, the first step to breathing life into your book.   

This 6-hour inspirational and powerful program is uniquely designed to transform your writing dreams into author reality.  

4 x 90-minute OR 6 x 60-minute one-on-one recorded Webclasses on Zoom. 



With success coach, bestselling author, and CEO of the Oxygen Publishing Agency, Carolyn Flower, who helps people write books, share their personal story, build authority in the marketplace and make a significant impact in the world.


Your inner author is about to come alive! The first draft of your manuscript awaits!

  • Discover your story and welcome downloads of ideas. Carolyn will help you create the visible from the invisible. 
  • Shape your story and watch it come to life as we synchronize all the moving parts. 
  • Write your book with clarity, confidence and ease.  
  • Become an author with accountability by following a series of simple steps that will guide you along your pathway to publishing.    
  • Inspire the world with your imagination and courage by sharing your unique and extraordinary story.  




$1500 USD upon registration

What you'll get:

  • 4 x 90-minute or 6 x 60 minutes recorded calls per week.  
  • The Author Success GPS: Your Publishing Roadmap and Guide digital fillable download.  
  • A formulated and detailed Framework  Google document that we co-create together for your forthcoming book. This is the foundation of the manuscript you will finish writing and publish.
  • What's APP Chat for the duration of the program for daily support, mentorship, expertise, and ongoing accountability.
  • Insights and expertise about authorship, mindset, publishing, promotion, author branding, social media, knowledge commerce, and guidance.   
  • Discuss positioning your book and integrating it with your brand and business model. 
  • Help to shape your story, your way, in your voice.  


A 30-minute post-program follow-up call to track your progress.



Carolyn Flower

Author.Authorship Authority. Leadership Success Coach. Publisher.

Carolyn Flower is the bestselling author of Gravitate 2 Gratitude and CEO of Carolyn Flower International. She is the Founder and CEO of Oxygen Publishing, an independent publishing agency located in Canada and the UK. She’s committed to awakening and empowering people to pioneer their potential and become the authors of their extraordinary stories. She has integrated personal and professional development principles into her practice since 1992 and offers her clients value-rich guidance to achieve any goal desired.  Work with Carolyn and experience her unique ability to help you master your mind and maximize your results.  In record time, you'll not only believe that your story matters, but you'll feel compelled to share it with the world. 



Your author journey begins with six hours of expert author mentorship and guidance that will give you the tangible results you need and will once and for all, eliminate all doubt...that you author.



"As a first-time author, I came to Carolyn with a mostly completed manuscript idea-wise and enrolled in her Shape Your Story mentor program. Her thought partnership, coaching, and deep knowledge about the publishing industry were exactly what I needed to push through to finish. In fact, I was so impressed with her that I hired her and her team at Oxygen Publishing to publish my book!"

Jared Karol, bestselling author of "A White Guy Confronting Racism."
California, USA

"I was amazed by the ease with which Carolyn inspired my manuscript. Our conversations and shared time with the document quite literally opened my mind to a flood of information that I didn't even realize I had. Two previously started documents quickly became supportive information for a whole new subject inspired by our first conversation. Even when I faced times that I felt the knowledge was coming to an end Carolyn gently reminded me that I had much more to share about the subject of personal wellbeing that I so passionately believe in and have made my life’s work. As a result of this guidance I have gained a clearer understanding of what I want to accomplish as well as how I intend to do so, including but not limited to my almost completed manuscript."

Carrie Brooks
Innerkip, Ontario, Canada

"I'm so glad I did the Shape Your Story Author Mentor Program! I had no idea what Carolyn would pull out of me, I just knew I had something I wanted to share based on my experience, what I've learned and how far I've grown. By the end of the four weeks, my book had a title, we had an outline, we had the chapters, the copyright of my book title, my own website domain, plus more! Every time I got off the call with Carolyn I was energized and excited to keep developing my book! She's amazing at asking the right questions to really figure out what it is you want to share with the world. I highly recommend it if you have the smallest incline to write a book!"

Kim Pitton
Guelph, Ontario, Canada

"I met Carolyn in February 2020. I told her about the book I had started writing 2 1/2 years ago but had put aside, small and unfinished. During our brief 20 minute conversation, she helped me see the bigger picture of the subject I was writing and that she was the right person to help me bring my book back to life. She restored my self-belief that I could do it! So I signed up for her Shape Your Story Author Mentor Program. In four weeks I had an outline and chapter titles, did some serious writing, and even chose a title for my book! Thanks to Carolyn's patient, caring and supportive guidance, my writing is on the way to becoming a real book! "

Sharon Fried
Arizona, USA

"Never in a million years did I think I would or could write a book. I was always the thick kid in class, turns out I'm dyslexic. I'd struggle to read a book in one year let alone write one but I knew I had a story that I needed to tell. That's when the universe brought me to Carolyn and she is so loving kind and knows exactly what to do. We spoke for five minutes and I knew she was the one person that could help me! She encouraged me when I believed that no one would be interested in a book from me, who am I to write a book. Well, Carolyn said she would and that was enough for me. I signed up to the 4-week Shape Your Story Author Mentor Program. After the first week I had my book title, chapters laid out and a focused direction to follow. My book is coming up to first draft stage and I honestly could not have gotten even half way there if it wasn't for Carolyn, her encouragement, her kindness, and love. Thank you Carolyn, God bless you."

Rob Rawlings
Brisbane, Australia

"Before sitting down with Carolyn for our first brainstorming session, I thought that writing a book was about sitting in front of a laptop and typing. I came to her with an idea and at the end of the day, my story had a purpose and I’d been assigned the responsibility, the duty, to write it. It has been an incredible journey and the reason why my book is finally coming to fruition is because of time mentoring with Carolyn adapting the story to changing circumstances. A book really does take on a life of its own. Designing and shaping its structure, creating the imagery and cover copy, preparing the manuscript - is nothing I could have ever done alone. It’s going to be a great book and that’s because it’s had Carolyn’s wise and compassionate guiding hand from the beginning."

Valerie Connell
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

"Carolyn, you were amazing! You held the space so I could safely share my ideas about my book. Then you gave me wise feedback that validated that my book, wisdom and energy was needed. It gave me trust that I was able to write it, and a lovely vibe of excitation too. I can't wait to hold my paperback in my hands and embrace the success its energy will create! "

Isabelle Salomon

"Thank you for your insights and encouragement! I wondered if I had it in me to actually write a book and left feeling inspired, energized and KNOWING that this is something I not only could do but HAVE to do. Thank you so much."

Natalie Day


Alan Kovitz


Margo Sage


Jared Karol


50% Complete

Two Step

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