Birthing Books and Birthing Babies! AUTHORS unite for a CAUSE.

Birthing Books and Birthing Babies. What's the connection?

Presenting the Author Fest Fundraiser Connection!

Earlier this year, I was pleased to become a Partner for Care to support the Lakeshore Hospital Foundation, who have the health of the West Island Community in their heart every day. Their mission is to offer healthcare excellence close to home to an ever-growing population.

Please HELP ME to help the Lakeshore General Hospital by contributing to a creative fundraising initiative. All proceeds will support the ongoing family care innovation at the Birthing Center at the Lakeshore General Hospital in Pointe-Claire, QC. This event will take place on Saturday, October 5th at the historic and stunning Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

My Why

If you've had coaching and published your book(s) with me and my outstanding team, we often refer to the Author Odyssey - the book writing-creating-editing-designing-promoting-publishing process of...

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