Webclass Wednesday LIVE! Your Author Brand (Part II). Build A Massive Author Brand and Create A Location Independent Business.

There’s NEVER been a better time to be an entrepreneur ~  or for aspiring and emerging authors, an "authorpreneur". 

The opportunity and ability to go from random idea to a profitable business is easier and quicker than ever before.

And even more so for those of us who have Knowledge Commerce businesses, because we don’t need expensive inventory or additional real estate, but instead leverage our ability to serve clients around the world and sell course content, expertise, digital products and information.

According to a report released by REUTERS in June of last year, the already booming "E-Learning" industry is expected to reach a $275-Billion-dollar valuation within the next 4 years!

So if there ever was a time to launch your brand and online business teaching others what you know and love, that time is now. Seriously. 

So what does a picture of a beach and a business have in common? They are both achievable by becoming an author, building your...

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